Cassidy People
From its beginnings at Cassidy Lake in 1825, the Cassidy family grew and rapidly settled throughout Canada and the United States. Only a few branches of the family have remained in the New Brunswick area. Scanning the genealogies of William’s descendants, one is struck by how mobile these people were from the very beginning. We can see that New England (Boston area) was a common destination especially in the winter when there was little employment in New Brunswick. Cassidys also soon found their way west to British Columbia. This appears to have been a destination of choice from New Brunswick as we have found no sign that they settled anywhere in between. By the late 1800s we find Cassidy Lake descendants in Minnesota and Montana. By the early 1900s they are in California and Washington State on the west coast, and Washington, DC and Florida on the east coast.
The Cassidys have shown themselves to be energetic, entrepreneurial, and benevolent. In the early days, they were master craftsmen in furniture and cabinet making. This skill has been passed to several generations, though not widely exploited commercially. Occupations in later years do not follow any particular pattern. You will find Cassidys in all fields of endeavor.