Photos and Videos


Photo Archive
Our archive of photos and some videos is available online to family members in a private SmugMug account. There you can browse the collection and search for people and topics. Password protected. Request Access.


Cassidy Lake Church Service Aug. 11, 2019
This is video of the church service held as part of the weekend gathering of the Cassidy clan. The service was led by Otty Forgrave and included remarks by Paul Cassidy on the state of the church and Camp Cassidy project. Peter Cassidy shared words of remembrance for Hazel Douthwright and Elsie Cassidy.

The Journey – Cassidy Lake
This 18 minute documentary recounts the 130-year journey of the Cassidy Family from the emigration from Ireland of William and Jane in 1819 through the development of the community at Cassidy Lake. It incorporates rare color video of descendants at the great family gatherings of 1949-1953. Originally published as a DVD in 2008.

Cassidy Lake Reunions 1949-1953
Video of the 1949-1953 family reunions by Stan Cassidy using 16mm color, silent film. It was narrated by Stan in 1986. The people in this video includes neighbors and family friends from the surrounding community.

Click here for a list of individuals identified in the video.