Forest Hills has a substantial collection of Christian orientated books including Bible translations, United Methodist Church Books of Discipline, reference texts, children's books and videos, Bible study material. The library is located in Fellowship Hall. All except a few reference texts are available for check out. DVDs of Sunday worship, special events and drama presentations are also vailable in the library.
There is a good selection of adult Sunday School and Bible Study material to choose from. It is located near the reference books. Contact Peter Cassidy for a catalogue of this material.
Finding Items
The library shelves in Fellowship Hall hold all materials except audio visual archives which are stored in the AV Storage closet in the Education building.
Checking out Items
For items with a checkout card, simply fill out the card and leave it in the box by the door.
Returning Items
Place them in the basket by the Library door.
Gwen Cassidy,
Church Librarian