Genealogy from [cassidy.ged] News and links from the Genealogy from [cassidy.ged] site 2024-05-09T00:44:24+00:00 (c) 2024 FeedCreator 1.8.0-dev ( On This Day ... 2024-05-09T00:44:24+00:00 2024-05-09T00:44:24+00:00 Ingram, Esther Birth - 9 May 1906 (118 year anniversary) - Fort WilliamJamieson, Frances Emeline Birth - 9 May 1863 (161 year anniversary)]]> Ingram, Esther Birth - 9 May 1906 (118 year anniversary) - Fort WilliamJamieson, Frances Emeline Birth - 9 May 1863 (161 year anniversary)]]> GEDCOM Statistics - Genealogy from [cassidy.ged] 2010-02-15T00:00:00+00:00 2010-02-15T00:00:00+00:00 15 February 2010
1687 - Individuals
596 - Families
0 - Sources
3 - Other records
Earliest birth year - 1705
Latest birth year - 2022
Person who lived the longest - 103
Average age at death - 63
Family with the most children12 - William Cassidy + Jane Milligan ‎(F002)‎
Marriage 5 May 1818 -- The Port, Parish of Inver, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Average number of children per family - 1.86
Most Common Surnames
Archibald; Bradley; Brasier; Brown; Bryden; Cassidy; Christie; Church; Corr; Crawford; Davis; Devitt; Frood; Gillcash; Harmer; Jamieson; Lane; Munroe; Nesbitt; Schmidt; Young]]>
15 February 2010
1687 - Individuals
596 - Families
0 - Sources
3 - Other records
Earliest birth year - 1705
Latest birth year - 2022
Person who lived the longest - 103
Average age at death - 63
Family with the most children12 - William Cassidy + Jane Milligan ‎(F002)‎
Marriage 5 May 1818 -- The Port, Parish of Inver, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Average number of children per family - 1.86
Most Common Surnames
Archibald; Bradley; Brasier; Brown; Bryden; Cassidy; Christie; Church; Corr; Crawford; Davis; Devitt; Frood; Gillcash; Harmer; Jamieson; Lane; Munroe; Nesbitt; Schmidt; Young]]>
System Updated 2013-02-26T20:58:40+00:00 2013-02-26T20:58:40+00:00 Random Picture 2024-05-09T00:44:24+00:00 2024-05-09T00:44:24+00:00 Philip and Evelyn 1974
Philip and Evelyn 1974]]>
Philip and Evelyn 1974
Philip and Evelyn 1974]]>