William Septimus was a realtor and Notary Public at 926 Glendale Ave., Needham, 92, Mass. He was als… ‎(NI0259)‎
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Show Details Shared Note: - William Septimus was a realtor and Notary Public at 926 Glendale Ave., Needham, 92, Mass. He was also a police officer for a short time in Needham, Mass. His great grandson, Jeff Cassidy saw the police helmet William wore on duty. He say s it looked just like the British "bobby" hats you see in Sherlock Holmes movies.

William was apparently a tall man for his time. At 6' 2" he made an interesting match for his wife, Laura, who was reportedly only 4' 11". William died of prostrate cancer in 1957. He refused to let doctors operate on him to remove the cancer.

William Septimus was a realtor and Notary Public at 926 Glendale Ave., Needham, 92, Mass. He was als…

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I0259Cassidy, William Septimus

Total individuals : 1